4 Reasons Why You Should Use Video in Your Marketing Strategy


Are you camera shy? Well, most people are, but it’s time to put that aside and add video to your monthly marketing strategy! With ever-changing social media trends and strategies, video is the most powerful way to visual communicate online. Videos within social media and emails improve overall conversion and engagement. Here, we have four reasons why endorsed video strategies can benefit your business.

There are three types of media. Owned – you put it up on your website and prevent anyone from posting it elsewhere; submitted – you put it somewhere like FB or YouTube where anyone can access it, share it and in some cases embed it on their website;  and endorsed (or earned) – where you have to be accepted. It builds instant credibility since the company endorsing your views your as credible person. Endorsed videos are a positive way to create a partnership with a video brand, as well as network with other professionals utilizing this tool. More often than not, professionals utilizing endorsed video refer to their endorsement to find other videos related to their professions, therefore gaining further knowledge, ideas or skill sets from the association of their endorsed video networking platform.

Here are four reasons why you should host a professional series of video for your business.

1. Credibility / Accountability

In today’s society, people are very brand-loyal, meaning they will only wear clothes of a certain brand, use toothpaste with a certain name or only go to events with sponsorships form certain organizations. This is why the title or name of an endorsed video brand or company can make a big play for your small or local businesses! Name recognition is a huge deal. So say someone is loyal to a particular endorsed video company. Then they discover the Elite Experts Network series. Now, they have never heard of the Elite Experts Network, but their information is very useful and they can relate. This is the type of video that is going to be shared, retweeted and accumulate tags for others to see. You can compare it to a “hole-in-the-wall” restaurant. When someone famous visits and says good things about this previously unknown restaurant, business for that restaurant will instantly boom because of one credible person’s opinion.

2. Training / Learning

Video reaches out to different learning styles. Therefore, videos can reach a larger audience, not just by the number of views, but by the shares and interest levels of followers and their friends when they are tagged.  You never know who will take different pieces of valuable information away from the videos you produce. That’s why the training and learning aspect of endorsed video is so crucial. If you have a big name backing you up on the material you provide, the more likely viewers will be to take your information seriously and refer back to your latest posts.

3. Exposure/ Speed Up of your Sales Cycle

We all know that people buy from those they know, like, and trust. Video provides ample opportunity to showcase your personal and professional brand. It elevates your knowledge and expertise in your industry and gives people an opportunity to get to know you better, like you enough to want to hear more about what you have to say, and of course, trust you enough to make it comfortable for them to purchase from you. If you can capture a client on camera or ask them if they are willing to share a testimonial on video about how your services helped their business, you will be sure to see sales for YOUR business increase. Happy customers sharing positive experiences get your company a free name-drop, and they make for the most effective types of video content. A good way to get this content out there is to pin it to the top of your Facebook and Twitter profiles as well as featuring it somewhere on the homepage of your website. Take advantage of the places where you have the largest following and post it there. Even if you are trying to grow your following, these videos are not a waste of time! It’s always recommended to ask friends and followers to share a post or tag a friend, or better yet, put some advertising dollars into it! Something is better than nothing, and you’d be surprised how far $5 can go on a simple Facebook boost.

4. Opportunity / Influence

Going back to the whole idea of being “camera shy” you don’t necessarily need to have your face on the camera. If you are trying to convince your audience to test a product, you can do a demo- whether it’s a screen sharing or bird’s eye view of a hands-on demonstration, i.e. baking, you can just do a voice over while the video shows the steps in-progress. There are many options to go about video opportunity and influence for those of us who are still camera shy. If you don’t want to be in the video alone, bring a friend or make it a Q + A type of interview video.

Karen Leonard
April 6, 2020

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