5 Website Design Features to Increase Conversion

Your website can be a powerful marketing employee. It can convert potential customers into leads and motivate visitors to act. But is your website doing its job? How is your website’s overall conversion rate? Conversion means getting your visitors to do what you want them to do. You may want them to sign up for the email list, watch a video, download a file, or make a purchase. Regardless of the action, you can design your website in a way that encourages conversion. These five useful web design tips can help turn your call to actions into conversions.


1. Watch your load time

Large images, files, or embedded media can cause your website to load slow. By large, we mean large file size, in terms of bytes. You can use different platforms to compress your images and optimize them for the web. In Photoshop, there is a Save for Web export option, that even previews the load time of the photo. Remember, if your page loads slow you don’t even have a chance to show visitors their options before they click out of your website.

2. Direct attention with visual cues

Visual cues can serve as hints to show people where to click. For example, you can place a picture of a person whose eyes are looking toward a form or button you want your visitors to click. Make it easy for your audience to know where they should focus on by weaving visual cues throughout your website design. It is like a subtle guide to conversion for your visitors.

3. Limit the choice you give to your user

When people have too many options, they are less likely to choose at all. Frankly, people hate complexity, and if your site has too many calls to action screaming “Click Me” all at once, this will be overwhelming to your visitors. Limit their options with only a few highlighted calls to action buttons and the rest of the options in the navigation. Let people move through the conversion funnel.

4. Buttons should be your call to actions

Speaking of calls to actions, be sure to make the preferred action is a button. You do not want your visitors searching for a hyperlink, as this will decrease conversion. Your job is to plan out what you’d like your visitor to do, whether it is signing up for email subscription, reading an article, or making an appointment. Make these preferred conversion actions as stand-out buttons.

5. Facial Recognition

People purchase from those they like, know, and trust. Filling a website with generic stock images or pretty but lifeless flat-lays will not allow you to build a relationship with your website visitors. Faces create familiarity, and they are inviting. A smiling face or outtake of your staff invites your visitor to act. This simple trick can be the foundation of real relationships that convert into leads.

Website conversion starts with having an idea of you want your audience to do. Increasing conversion involves designing your website to motivate visitors to take action. Try out a few of these website design features to improve your conversion rate.

Karen Leonard
March 4, 2019

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