Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Hot Technology Trends 2022

Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Hot Technology Trends 2022

Over the last decade, Artificial Intelligence has come a long way. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is part of everything we do online. From the way we use search engines, voice search, digital advertising, and more. The businesses that understand how the last decade shaped AI, and keep up with the improvements yield the highest results from using the tools.  

Artificial Intelligence is no longer just used for basic tasks like website traffic reports. When use correctly, it can be a powerful tool to connect with potential customers. AI is taking a front-and-center role. 

How Will AI Tools Improve Digital Experiences 2022?

The more the world depends on AI to implement change in our everyday lives, the smarter the technology gets. When it comes to helping businesses, AI is a powerful tool that is making technology smarter, more efficient and driving better results. 

How is AI Changing Digital Marketing? 

Google Trends   Did you know that Google offers a tool that allows you to research keywords and phrases in real time? What if you knew the volume of the search traffic in your given region for a particular topic? How powerful would it be to know what phrases people are using in voice searches? Google has the answers at your fingertips. 

For instance, in the example below we searched several keywords “Artificial Intelligence, “AI,” and “SEO” the results were for search value in the USA from the last 12 months. As you can see in red that the highest searched Keyword was “AI” during this period. The search was also able to establish trends in different regions for the other keywords “Artificial Intelligence” and “SEO.”    Google Trends search on AI

AI for Content Writing: 

More companies are turning to AI to help develop content for their websites and articles. While AI is getting surprisingly good at creating natural speech patterns. However, it is still important to develop a strategic plan to help AI align with your business messaging.  

No matter what AI tool you use, there must be a structured process to great content with AI.  

  • Research your topic 
  • Outline your objectives 
  • Write about identified keywords or topics of interest 
  • Optimize using sources and links to collaborate  
  • Complete the process with your SEO strategy 

How is AI Changing the HR World? 

Today, Artificial Intelligence  is embedded into the entire HR employee experience. From the recruiting process, to onboarding, vacation, benefits and employee training, AI provides a way to improve efficiency and eliminate a lot of manual processes for HR departments.  

“AI enables HR teams to extract insights from data and give recommendations in real-time. AI also removes many of the common human biases and inconsistencies in a function that is as sensitive and crucial as Human Capital Management.” CuteHR 

AI is used to scan resumes to identify qualified candidates and more making the labored task of finding the right fit for you company much more efficient. Some however, have argued that while AI can be an effective tool, it is still not advanced enough to make quantitative decisions about a candidate’s real-life qualifications. Thus, while helpful, HR managers tend to still require input into candidate selection. 

Has AI Replaced Hashtags (#)? 

Many popular social media sites use hashtags to identify content topics. For instance TwitterIG, and even LinkedIn encourage users to identify the content they develop with hashtags. 

Today, artificial intelligence has not replaced the functionality of the hashtag on most major social media platforms, it is used to develop newsfeeds for individual users based on their identified interests. For instance, when you sign up for a Twitter account, the first thing twitter asks you to do is identify topics of interest to you. The AI behind the platform then selects the stories or posts that were identified for you based on your chosen interests. 

The reason that hashtags remain an important part of many of the social media sites is that specific events or topics may be more relevant than others. For instance, if a hurricane were to hit the east coast news being added to twitter may include the name of the hurricane and the year as a hashtag. This allows people to search the platform in real-time and find specific information around a particular event.  

Artificial intelligence may provide some of that information to user’s base on geographical location for instance. This is where Local SEO can really improve results in AI. Thus, hashtags and AI are tools that are working together to provide people better access to the information they are searching for. 

AI and Influencer Marketing 

Instagram AI graphic on phoneHave you ever noticed that people tag content as “paid advertising.” In their Instagram or YouTube feed? Many companies choose to pay influencers to promote their products and services online instead of paying for traditional pay-per-click advertising.  

When Influencer marketing introduced, it was much more limited to celebrities and athletes. Today, it is easier to be an influencer online. Think of your favorite fitness coach, or community leader, thanks to social media people with niche followings make great influencers.

Followers are more likely to purchase products from social media influencers because it is much easier to connect someone they might know and trust over a celebrity. The product placements and advertisements tend to feel more relatable and attainable. Because of this shift, many businesses are changing the way they use influencer marketing. Combined with great AI, influencers can reach extremely specific audiences and convert to more sales. 

In fact, there are entire software tools designed to help companies identify potential matches for influencer marketing. For example Tagger is designed specifically for that purpose.  

Tagger offers: 

  • Unbeatable influencer discovery  
  • Accurate, real-time data  
  • Influencer campaign ROI  
  • Unlimited influencer searches & campaigns  
  • User Friendly platform and interface  
  • Global platform & payments options  

Different influencers have different target audiences. Artificial intelligence can be used to find your influencers for influencer marketing, watching hundreds of hours of video to find the right fit for your brand, which is important when marketers are investing 20% of their budget in influencer marketing.  

Takeaways from Artificial Intelligence  

The global AI market is expected to reach 190.61 billion USD by 2025 and has a forecasted growth rate of 33.2% from 2020 to 2027.  Today, businesses that continue to utilize the tools will fare better with their digital marketing efforts. AI gives us more tools than ever to spend our digital marketing dollars wisely with more precise targeting and results. 

What will AI do for your business? It is expected that AI will lead to a 26% increase in global GDP by 2030, including a 40% increase in profitability and a 60% increase in consumption. Today, AI is part of our everyday lives and  the faster your company an implement AI strategy into your digital marketing the better. 

Do you need help understanding how to implement AI into your digital marketing strategy? Contact us here. 


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Karen Leonard
December 9, 2021

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