How to Increase Website Traffic With Google Search

Your website content can bring in potential customers 24/7. How is this possible? Search engines like Google scan websites for relevant information to a user’s search query. If Google thinks your website page is what the user is looking for or will answer their question, your website will be a search result. The higher you rank, or you are listed, in the search results, the better! Search engine optimization is an organic way (no need to pay for ads) to increase your website traffic. Someone stumbling on your blog post can be the beginning of a new sale!

You can drive more traffic from Google search if you understand how some of Google search algorithms updates choose rank search results. Why is the Google algorithm so important? Cracking the Google Search algorithm is not what we are trying to do here. It’s complicated, intricate, and continually being updated. But by understanding how to respond to some of the fundamental principles of how Google ranks will help you optimized your website for Google search.

Here are 3 tips to focus on when writing content for your website and blog posts. Doing so can give you a better chance of ranking higher on the Google search results page and drive more traffic to your website.

How to Increase Website Traffic With Google Search

Ensure Mobile Friendly.

In recent years Google has made updates that cater to mobile-friendly websites. For example, mobile-first indexing means Google scans the mobile version of your website for ranking. Furthermore, if your website lacks a mobile version or has poor mobile usability, that is considered a “hazard” to Google’s search engine. Your website may be mobile responsive now, but what other ways to ensure the best mobile experience?

Each webpage should be functional on a smaller device. The text should be big enough to read and buttons large enough to click on with a mobile screen. How fast your website loads is also factored into mobile-friendliness. Avoid huge files or image sizes that take a long time to load on the website. For more discussion of best website design and content practices, join us for the Optimize Your Website for More Leads webinar in December!

Focus on the concept behind keywords.

Content writers would cram their blog posts or webpages with keywords to rank high in a search in the past. This malpractice is known as keyword stuffing.

The Hummingbird algorithm helps Google better interpret search queries and provide results that match searcher intent. Instead of showing results with the search query’s exact words, Google provides answers to the keywords’ concept or intent.

For example, you search “website design ideas,” and Google provides the related question of “How do I create a unique website?” If you’re looking for design ideas, you most likely want a beautifully designed website that will help you be unique and stand out– hence, you are looking up website design ideas. As you can see, Google is focusing on the general idea of the search query.

When you write, do not just sprinkle a few keywords throughout your website’s content— instead, research synonyms, long-tail keyword phrases, and full questions. Ask yourself, what is the intent or concept behind my webpage’s topic, and how can I include that within the content?

Going back to the example of “website design ideas” search, could your blog post address designs that make a website unique and include subheadings like “How do I create a unique website?” or “how to make my website stand out”? Expand your keyword research by thinking about the overall concept.

Use natural language to reach humans.

Another issue with keyword stuffing is that it makes it hard for a normal person to read. But now Google is rewarding natural language and good human to human writing. How so?

The Bert Google algorithm update uses natural language processing technology to understand search queries better, interpret text, and identify entities and relationships between entities. Google is looking for authentic content that makes sense to a human reader, not a search crawler. You should use natural language throughout your website and include synonyms and real-life questions.

In conclusion, search engine optimization is ever-evolving. Keeping up with Google’s algorithms updates will help your business make the most of Google search traffic. Let your website continue to bring in new leads!

What’s Next?

For more discussion of best website design and content practices, join us for the Optimize Your Website for More Leads webinar in December!

Take search traffic to the next step with Google search ads. Pay to be the first result, and cost-effectively grow your business. Join us for the Drive New Business with Google Search Ads webinar!


Karen Leonard
November 2, 2020

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