Social Media Madness!

You’re a smart and savvy business-owner. You understand that, like it or not, Social Media is becoming a very important part of the arsenal of online marketing tools available. A Facebook “fan” page is searchable, increasing your organic search engine results. Posts on Social Networks are not only seen by your active “fans” or connections, but by anyone who visits their profiles as well. Social media has the potential to exponentially expand your area of influence!

The question is, with all your other responsibilities to your business, how do you keep up with a regular, intensive social media campaign? Do you know how often to post to maintain your “fans’” interest? What about making your information searchable? Do you go to the time and expense of hiring an employee to handle your campaigns? Fortunately, IGV can provide the solution to the entire problem! No matter what networks you belong to (or want to belong to), we can do everything from setting up the accounts to “decorating” your business pages with custom graphics to working with you to create and implement a regular posting schedule. All you have to do is read our weekly reports on your Social Media activity and sigh happily about all the people your business touched that week.

65% of adults online (18+ years old) use social networking sites. Don’t let a schedule that’s already full prevent you from profiting from what Social Media has to offer! Let IGV help you make the most of a great Social Media campaign. Contact us today for a Social Media consultation.

Karen Leonard
March 6, 2012

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