The Scoop on Foursquare Specials

If you’ve been following IGV’s blog for a while, you’ll recognize the following idea:

Existing customers are worth their weight in gold.

Encouraging customer loyalty and return visits or purchases is much less expensive than convincing a new visitor or customer to spend their hard-earned money with YOU.  Return customers already know what they can expect from your company and products; previous good experiences allow your business to sell itself, while enticing new customers requires much more convincing – which equals lots of time and effort … in other words, money!  What with so many MILLIONS of people using social media on their smartphones nowadays, a great way to reward your return customers and encourage more folks to come back again is Foursquare Specials.

claim the venue as the business owner to be able to create Specials for your location.  Once you have completed that process, you will have access to Manager Tools and will be able to create Specials.


A person can search for venues in a certain category in their area, and of course a listing that shows up as having a special going on will be more interesting to the prospective customer.  The visitor can view what the Special is, but the Special won’t be unlocked until the proper number of check-ins have been made.

Just like professional email marketing, Foursquare is a great way to engage your customers and encourage loyalty.  And in case you need assistance, don’t forget that IGV offers Social Media Marketing management and consulting.  We would love to help!

Karen Leonard
June 1, 2012

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